15th NOVEMBER 2009 - A visit to Greg's

Hello little Em, Mark and Tammy brought you to Greg's new simplex for a braai last night. It was so sweet to see you again. Every time I see you have changed. The reddish/yellow colouring that you came home with from the hospital has gone now and you are a beautiful, pink and roses baby. Tammy looked tired. It is exhausting looking after a new baby. You are so small but so helpless and very demanding. People say, "Oh, if the baby is fed, warm and dry, they will sleep all day." Well, I know and you know - and Mark and Tammy now know - that's not true! Babies like to air their lungs. You aired your yours for about half an hour and then you slept for the rest of the night. Greg was a niggly baby. He screamed for nearly three months until I was so exhausted I could have smothered him! But, mothers don't do that. Mothers have these murderous thoughts and then when the baby is sleeping, they look at their sleeping child and melt inside; and feel so gu...