
Showing posts from September, 2009

11 Months old!!

Hello little Em Time is flying by. You are 11 months old now and wiegh about 11kg. You have got 4 teeth - three at the bottom and one at the top - that have come right through - and two more coming through. You are rolling all over the floor and move backwards at a fair pace - but you haven't quite worked out how to move forwards yet! You sit and play but Mom and Dad don't allow you to sit alone in case you decide to fall forward and try to crawl. You are going to an OT (Occupational Therapist) in Pinetown who treats little Abby as well and she is teaching you how to roll over sideways so that you get into a crawling position. At your first session with the OT she let you go sideways with weight on your hand and something clicked. You screamed, Mark, Tammy and the OT thought you'd cracked a bone in your arm. Mark said that he nearly puked, he got such a fright! You didn't break anything though, it was just your lax joints which can click out of place. It ha...