
Showing posts from February, 2010

Happy, Happy New Year

Hello my darling! It is 2010 and you were born in 2008.  Time is flying past Em.  You are such a beautiful child - you hardly ever cry, I can push you around in the pram for 3 hours and you shout "Heyyo" to everybody and point out all the "baba - baba!"   Let me try to recap a bit on January. You learned to crawl all over the place, to pull yourself up onto your knees, to walk like a crab on all fours, to say a dozen more words and do more signs, to suck through a straw, to recognize and copy the Hadeda call and to hide things away - usually under your legs, so that when we lift you out of a chair or pram, there is a  virtual treassure trove of biscuits, cheese, fruit etc under your lap! You love water and Mom puts you in a tub on hot days, or you come and swim here in our pool. You are back at swimming lessons and have started physio with a new therapist. Your Dad was a champion South African Disabled swimmer and represented South Africa at the Paral...