Hello my noo-noo! Mark has taken a couple of weeks leave and said that he has had a 'baptism of fire' with you walking everywhere. You have started letting go and taking off - sometimes lurching, sometimes stumbling. Its really scary! I don't allow you to walk alone when I'm around so I hold onto the back of your shirt and onto one hand and walk behind you, doubled over, all over the house! Sometimes you take us by surprise. You'll be standing next to a table or chair and the next minute you've let go - it freaks me out! We all said that it doesn't matter if you only learn to walk when you are two but now that you are 21 months old and are starting to take steps, we are all holding our breath!! I really, really hope that you do learn to walk without any falls, accidents or fractures but every time you fall we nearly die - like today in the lounge you tumbled side-ways onto your hip and poor Mark went whi...