Your first visit to a Game Reserve

Hello Em, Last weekend we all went to the Umfolozi Game Reserve. Gumpi and me, you and your Mom and Dad, Greg and Sharon and Sharon's parents Rita and Dennis. Its the first time we have all been away together and it was great fun! The Umfolozi Game reserve is the oldest game park Africa and it used to be the favourite hunting ground of the Zulu kings, especially Shaka. The Hluhluwe/Umfolozi park was established in 1895, mainly to protect the rhinoceros which had become endangered. 280km is a long way for a little one like you to sit still in a car so Mom and Dad left very early, straight after you woke up. They attached the portable dvd player to the back of the driver's seat and you were able to watch Barney - your favourite dvd - on the road. We left at about 6h30 and finally caught up to you at the Petro-port where you had stopped for a nappy change and something to eat. We drove north to the Memorial Gate at the Hluhluwe entrance and drove ...