Hello my beautiful child, You had your last Pamidronate treatment this past weekend. From now on you only have to go in every three months so the next one will be in February. Mom managed to persuade the Medical Aid that treatment at Parklands was cheaper and easier for all concerned to you went into Parklands on Friday. When Mom and Dad brought you here afterwards I met you at the door. You had a bandage and a pretty pink, floral bandana on your head. "What's this?" I asked, touching the bandana. "My hat, Ganny" you, replied. Looking at me as though I was a bit dim! How could I not know that it was your hat? On Saturday I releived Mom and Dad at the hospital for a while so that they could get a cup of coffee in the hospital cafetaria. You sat on my lap and we read books, played 'hammer the ball into a box' game and watched Micky Mouse and friends on the portable DVD player. Mom and Dad came to us after your treament and you we...