Emily can dance, and run, and spin ......

Hello my darling Em, You are growing tall, like a weed! At the end of January we measured your height and marked it on the inside of a cupboard in the guest room. You were 87cm tall. At the end of April you were 90cm tall. You also have beautiful blond hair which Mom often puts into a pony-tail. You look like a little angel! I went to Spain for three weeks to walk the Camino and while I was away you kept asking if you could go to Spain to see your Danny. I missedyou while I was away but Tammy sent me emails from you. This is one of them after her 30th birthday party at our house. "Yesterday I went to Kelsey's birthday party she turned 3. She lives in our complex. We bought her a my little pony doll and mommy wouldn't let me unwrap it :( I have been playing with Craig all weekend and he keeps asking to to say delicious and I won't (but I smile and giggle at him a lot). He is such a nice man and mommy and daddy say he is 'so go...