Emily in In-ga-lund

Hello my darling Em, You have gone to 'In-ga-lund' for a three week holiday with your Mom and Dad! For months we have been preparing you with stories about flying in aeroplanes, sleeping on the plane, visiting Kevin and Jacks, and Graham and Geroge (Georgina). On Saturday afternoon we needed two cars to transport you, Mom, Dad, the pram, and an assortment of backpacks and kitbags to the airport. I really admire your Mom for taking this on! She had a real battle trying to find someone to rpovide insurance for you and Mark as most don't cover pre-existing conditions. In the end she did find someone - at a premium - but at least they will have some cover should either of you have an accident while you are away. At the airport I told you that I was going to miss you terribly and wished I was going with you. "You can come too, Danny," you said. I told you that I was also going on an aeroplane - to Spain. "I go with you to Spain, Danny" you sa...