2011 Christmas

Happy, happy 3rd Christmas darling Em! You enjoyed last year's Christmas but this year you knew about Father Christmas and that you would have presents on Christmas day. I wrapped lots of presents and put them in the end room cupboard. You found them one day and when I explained that they were for the grown-ups for Christmas day you were quite happy to leave them alone. That is amazing! I don't know many children who wouldn't have whined to open them or tried to get to them anyway. This time you didn't cry when you saw Santa and at the Christmas Tree party at your Dad's office, you were quite calm when it was your turn to get your present. Two little Christmas fairies - with Shea, your au pair who will be going to school with you when you start next week. When you saw stockings under the tree for our Carling and Jenna you wanted to try them on! A picnic feast on Boxing Day - crudités and dip on the front lawn. Cooling off in the ...