July holidays

Hello my darling, Your cousin Richard came to visit from Johannesburg and it was his birthday so you were treated to an outing and shared his big chocolate birthday cake. Its been quite a cold winter so Mom bought you this lovely, cuddly 'Onesie' We went to Tala Game Park for a day and you helped Gumpy drive. You took the photographs of some of the beautiful aloes. When we stopped for our picnic lunch a whole flock of birds flew into the tree above us and waited for us to share crumbs with them. You wanted to swim in their rock pool which was freezing! At the end of the month you had your bisphosphonate treatment. You only have it twice a year now and it is done on an outpatient basis so you don't have to be admitted overnight. You are very brave and didn't even cry when they port the port into your hand. Gail came to Durban for a few days and you invited her to a braai at 'Tonsil's' house, but we had it a...