September Post

Hello little Em, Your great-grand-mother (granny Laura's mother) passed away last month. She was 76 and suffered from diabetes. While Tammy helped her mom with the funeral arrangements and clearing out the unit at the retirement village where she lived, Gumpy and I fetched you from school and brought you home with us. It was great to spend more time with you. One of the days we had a tea party for the musical dolls. Mary is the oldest of the dolls, she sings 'Mary had a little Lamb': Incy sings"Incy Wincy spider" - Twinkle, sings 'Twinkle, twinkle little star" and Roxy sings "I'm a Rock Star". Sometimes you let Barney sing with them too. He sings "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family.." On Friday morning we went to the Grannies and Grandpas concert at your school. I remember when you were in the baby group and now you are in Grade R in the 'big' children's group. Your group re...