Hello Darling Em, When school started you were practically the poster girl for Our Lady of Fatima - even got your photo in the local newspaper! You like your new school and your teacher and although you prefer to chat and socialise, you are slowly settling down in the class! Gumpy and I went to see you in your first school gala - you swam in three events and we were very proud of you. You flew to Johannesburg for Easter and visited the captain in the cockpit. You had a wonderful time with Jeff, Gail and Richard at the river. Your hair has grown long again Your Dad has been cycling from home to the beachfront with Gavin so you and Mom spend time on the beach. When you come to visit we always visit the vegetable garden. You have planted some tomato seeds and we are looking forward to eating your tomatoes when the start getting fruit. One of the most wonderful things about you is that ...