Hello my darling Em, This has been a difficult month for your Mom and Dad and for you. In your best interest they have decided to take you out of Fatima school and place you in La Lucia Primary. The decision wasn't made lightly and they knew that you would be upset but sometimes parents have to do things for the best even though their children don't see it at the time. Although you are a bright, intelligent little girl with an exceptional memory, you struggled to keep up with the other children for the first few months at Fatima, especially in writing and other activities that required fine motor skills. Children with Osteogenesis Imperfecta generally have normal to above normal intelligence but they might struggle with lax muscles that affect motor skills. This means that they might need more time to complete tasks like writing or activities. Fatima doesn't cater for children who need extra time or special care. Children with OI sometimes hav...