MARCH 2017

Hello darling Em, What a busy month you've had! Swimming gala, drama, dancing, fancy dress, sports, uncle Steven came to visit .... phsew, every week was something! You were a girl from the country in your Wellies and straw hat. And then you wore the lovely ethnic Zulu outfit Gogo gave you to a fancy dress You did well at your swimming gala Uncle Steven came to visit and we all went out with Jeff and Gail, Denis and Rita, Laura and Gavin to Chez Nous in Westville I had a small operation to my left knee to release a tight band called the ITB. I can't dance with you or do taining walks for a few weeks but will soon be back to walking around the block with you. Gumpie and I went to iMfolozi for a weekend. While we were in the park the clutch on the X-trail came loose and we had to have the car towed...