June 2018 - TAM

Hey Bug Shall we see what happened in June ? I was another FUN packed month were we had lots of adventures. You are trying so hard at school, you adore you teacher Mrs Bresser. She has brought out the best in you and she loves you just as much as you love her. We are so proud of you. At the beginning of the year you joined the grade 3 choir at school and you had your first public performance. Your choir was invited to perform at the St Luke's Church annual Market. It was a beautiful day, Gumpy (granny was away) met us to watch you sing and then we had tea and scones and wondered around to see what everyone was selling. We had the car all packed we were going straight to the Hluhulwe Game Reserve from the market, but then you had a really bad tooth ache and we had to stop at the dentist before we could leave. He fixed your tooth up quick quick and we collected your medicine and were on our way on our weekend adventure. We had a wonderful family we...