Hello darling girl, I decided to change your fairy garden path to the other side of the tree. The path on the left was becoming too overgrown for anyone to walk up to the tree. 6 July 2021: YAY!! We were SO pleased for your Mom and Dad when they were able to get their Covid 19 vaccinations done at the Saint Augustines' vaccination centre today. They will be able to have their 2nd shot on 17 August, then we will all be done and can start having family get-togethers with all of our family members again. 8 July: I decided that you should have a farewell tea party for your dolls and toys that are kept in a big plastic storage box under the wrought iron bench on the patio. We used to have birthday parties for them when we lived at Westville but its probably been 2 years since you've played with them. I set the table with sweets, biscuits, chips, marshmallow cup cakes, ice cream and cold drinks. All of the singing dolls and the toys sat on the bench. There was Th...