MAY 2008 - 15.5 week scan

15th May:

Dear Grandchild,
It was your father's birthday today - he is 31 years old. I still think of him as my baby and now he is going to have his own baby.
We met at their place before going out to dinner and Tammy showed us the latest scan taken of you at 15 ½ weeks. My how you've grown. It was still too early to tell if you are a boy baby or a girl baby but your spine and limbs were quite clear.
So far you are developing normally - which is a good sign because babies with OI often have stunted growth and severely affected babies can be tiny - with a form of dwarfism. This is what the Mayo Clinic has to say about your development:

Your baby's skin starts out nearly transparent. Eyebrows and scalp hair may make an appearance. For babies destined to have dark hair, the hair follicles will begin producing pigment. The bone and marrow that make up your baby's skeletal system are continuing to develop this week. Your baby's eyes and ears now have a baby-like appearance, and the ears have almost reached their final position.
Mark and Tammy have been considering names. If you are a girl, they like the name Emily. I think that's a lovely name and I would love to have an Emily for a grand-daughter. Emily - the Greek origin of 'Aimulos" (friendly, tender) has been the number one name for girls in the US for the last ten years, and has also ranked high in the UK, landing in the 4th spot in 2007.
If you are a boy, they like Aiden. The origin of the name is Gaelic and the meaning of the name Aiden is "Little Fire" - it was the most popular name for boys in the US in 2006. Tammy says that Mark says good morning to you and talks to her tummy. He calls you "Little Dude". He seems to think that you are a boy. We might know by the next consultation whether you are an Emily or an Aiden.
Mark asked me what I would like you to call me. Granny, gran, Nana, Gogo? I said, none of those thank you! All the little ones in our family have called me 'Silly' so you can call me Silly too. And what about Finn? Mark suggested you call him Gramps - I jokingly said, "Grumps"! When Finn and I were courting, way back in the 1960's, he used to call me "Silly-doll" and I used to call him "Grumpy-woo". So, Grumps wouldn't be too unfamiliar to him!
It's going to be quite strange to hear your voice for the first time.
Stay strong little one,


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