Saturday 27th December 2009

Hello Little Em, What a busy girl you have been! On Christmas Eve you went to Patty's for a family Christmas dinner. Jeff and Gail were there with Brian and Craig and their friends Katz and Gunza from Johannesburg. Greg and Shaz came, Michelle Moller, John, Finn and me. Christmas is a time of giving and you got more presents than all of us but you kinda slept through it all! Then on Christmas Day you came to our house and got more presents. We bought you a three-ring blow up swimming pool so that Tammy and Mark can sit in it with you on a hot day. You also got new clothes, toys, and a useful goody to help you learn to sit when you are a bit older. You looked very sweet in your Christmas outfit with a little hat that Phyllis gave you. Your Mom and Dad gave us lovely photos of you in frames. You look even smaller then! Now you have put on weight and have got a beautiful complexion. Here are a few photos of you, your Mom, Mark and me on Christmas day. Your 2nd cousins Craig and...