2nd December 2008 - new home in Anthony mews

Hello little Em,

I've been really sick so haven't posted anything here for a while. I don't usually get sick easily but your Grand-Aunt Patty has had a chest infection and a cold and I think I caught it from her. I'm much better now though.
You will be moving home on Friday. Last week we went to your place at No. 7 Shiraz in Peach Place, Glen Hills to help replace curtain rails, pack a few boxes and generally help where we could.
Mark and Tammy moved into this simplex when Tammy moved to Durban and thought they would be there for years. But, the owner is coming back from Australia and gave them notice to move by the end of January.
 They didn't want to wait until after Christmas, so Finn and I helped look for a new place and we were thrilled when they liked the little simplex in Anthony Mews. There is a lovely view of the sea from the two front bedrooms - and from the front garden - and it is light an airy. We like it too, especially because you will all be that much closer to us now!
It was a very special day for me because I got to hold you for about 2 hours! You had just gone to sleep and Tammy hadn't eaten anything. She didn't want to put you down in case you woke up, so I held you. For the first time I could take a good look at you.
You are so perfect Em - like a miniature girl. I could see a vein on your head and a pulse on your throat. I watched you make all sorts of faces! At times your eyes were half open and it was as though you were looking at me. You opened and closed your mouth, swallowed, smiled, burped, made sucking noises. I had your body resting on my left arm and felt your chest with my fingers.
It was quite warm and you started to perspire so I opened the blanket a little bit. You have perfect shoulders and arms and your little fingers are long with delicate nails. I could almost feel your heart beating on my heart - it was like a miracle.
You are a miracle Em - a real, 100% miracle. You are like an unexpected gift; the most wonderful, miraculous gift! Every now and then Finn - your Gumpy - came to peer down at you and he too just shook his head and whispered, "Miracle, she's a miracle."
Now that I am better I will be able to help with the move on Friday. I can't wait to see you again.
Gentle kissies,


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