14 months and a wonderful vocabulary!!
You have a wonderful vocabulary for a 14 month old: Here are some of the words you can say: Hello Bye-bye Mamma Dadda Nana (banana) Up Yellow Purple Boo (blue) Ball Bubble Bum Moo Bow-wow Num-num Out Hat Pappa (paper) And here are some of the things you respond to: "How old are you?" You point one finger in the air. "How much does Mommy love you?" You throw out both arms. "How much does Daddy love you?" You throw both arms up in the air. "Do you want more?" You touch fingers of both hand (more sign) and say 'more'. "Do you want to eat?" You touch your mouth (eat sign). "Clap hands" You clap your hands. "Give me a love" You come closer and hug, "Where's my kiss?" You give na open mouth kiss. "What does the dog say?" Woof-woof-woof "What does the cow say?" Mmmmmoooo "What does the Hadeda say?" "Aaa...