Talking, talking, talking!!

You copy everything we say - even when we try to emphasize a sound,at the beginning of a word you copy that!  I've been teaching you to say 'More' - showing you the sign for more and saying the word.  You started out by doing the sign but now you just say the word, "mmmmmmmmmmm..muh"  It sounds so funny!
We took you to the animal farm at Asagay and you tried to copy the sounds the animals make.  'Gog, gog, gog, gog..." for the ducks  "puh, puh, puh" for the chickens and when you tried to make the pig sounds you just blew a rasberry!!

You are afraid of animals.  I don't know why that is but you blink, pull back and clench your hand, and stick your tongue out when an animal comes near.  Even little dogs get the rasberry treatment although you did touch this little puppy when we held it up to you.  You weren't having anything to do with the pony!

You actually shouted at the little black pigs when they started snuffling around our feet.  And you didn't like the swans - a large black hissing couple that pushed their bills through the fencing looking for food. 
You copy almost everything we say and do. Mom has taught you when she says "how much does Mommy love you?" to throw your arms wide.  "How much does Daddy love you?" you throw your arms up.  I'm trying to teach you to hug yourself when I ask, "how much does granny love you?"
You are a princess! I tied some ivy into a graland and pushed a few flowers into it for your crown. You love walking around the garden and looking at all the flowers. I say the correct words 'bouganvila' 'strelitzia' 'gerannium' brunsfelsia' 'anthirium'. You smile and say 'Ta. ta".

You are curious about everything and sometime the look of amazement and wonder on your face is incredible.  Greg opened an umbrella the other day and the look on your face made us laugh.  You thought he was magic - turning a common old walking stick into a floating canopy!
I wonder what goes through your mind?  How do you process everything you see?  Its as though a cognitive gene has just switched on and you are only now able to examine, absorb and identify things around you.  Your brain is like a little computer that is frantically storing information about the world around you.


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