Good news Em!! Your folks sent the baby scans taken the day you were born to Prof. Beighton in Cape Town and he has sent a report back that there is no evidence of OI, no Wormian bones (like little jig-saw bones) in the skull. This is good news. He is a brilliant man, very clued up on OI, so we hold his opinions with high regard.
He has recommended that skull Xrays be taken when you are a few months older, but for now, the signs are all there that you do not have OI. Yipppeee... yahooooo!!
I got to help bath you on Saturday - that was very special. I don't think you knew it was me gently massaging baby soaps on you because Tam was holding you and you only had eyes for Mom. You squawked when Tam took you out the bath and all the time Mark was drying you and putting powder on you. I just laughed! You looked to threatening! I spoke to you and said, "You don't frighten us Missy. You dont have any teeth so you can't bite us. You don't have the strength to hit us and, if we move out of range, you can't see us anyway. You can't sit up, or walk, so you can't chase us. So, who do you think you are bluffing with those loud wails!?"
You are so rewarding now. You smile and talk gobbeldy-gook. You frown and concentrate on people speaking to you. Its amazing what a difference there is between new-born and three months.
Big kiss little one,


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