You are an Angel!!
Hello little Em.
On Friday Tammy picked me up and we went to Patty's so that Tammy could use the laser printer. Your Mom is a clever girl - she is making her own wedding invitations and has designed them and downloaded a template for cutting and folding them.
We put your play mat on Patty's bed and you lay there talking and exercising your arms and legs for over an hour. Then you got a little bit restless so I picked you up and carried you around the house. Within 10 minutes you were asleep - just like a little angel!
You didn't sleep for long - probably 45 minutes - and when you woke up it was feed time. Tammy fed you and then you lay on your play mat again. You seem to be fascinated with toys that have faces, and also with those that have different sounds. There is a mirror in one corner and you get excited when you catch a glimpse of yourself in it!

After a while you went to sleep again - but not for long, just 1/2 an hour. On Wednesday Tammy took you to the clinic - you have put on 800g!! Your little legs are nicely covered now but you are still a dainty, petite little thing with long fingers and slender feet.
When I got home I smelt like baby! I could smell you on my shoulder where you had dribbled and my arms smelt like Fissan paste and powder! Both dogs sniffed and sniffed, trying to work out what the strange smells were!
You are a good child, Em. The only time you fretted was when you were hungry or tired and that is very normal. I'm looking forward to having you here on Tuesday when Tam goes shopping for fabric. Sleep tight little one, love, love, love you.
You have such a clever Granny.
She writes such interesting things about you.