Angel Child

Hello little Em,
I have seen a lot of you this week and the more I am with you the more amazed I am at how quickly you are growing. For the first few months babies are not responsive or even aware of themeself or others. Now you recognize people and respond to everyone. Its been so great to spend more time with you.
Tammy has been designing, cutting and compiling the wedding invitations. She has done a really good job and they are looking very professional. And, while your Mom works, I get to walk you in the pram, watch you while you play on your playmat and put you to sleep. You never cry. Even when you get tired. You smile all the time - you are an angel child.
Mark has taught you to make an 'ahhh...' sound when he taps two fingers against your mouth. It is so cute because the sound changes to a wha-wha-wha-wha sound and you keep going, even changing pitch! They have got you on video doing it - I'll try to get a copy so that I can post it here.
Today I took you to the bottom of the garden and named some of the plants and trees. You looked so serious while I was talking, almost as though you understood! I think the fresh air is good for you and it makes you sleepy. Twice you've fallen asleep in the pram - once even while I was in front of the computer, pushing the pram to and fro with my foot.
Tammy says that she is ging to start you on veges at lunch times from next week. You'll be 6 months old on the 16th April and weigh over 7kg now.
I love you little angel!


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