Saturday - 18th July 2009

I've seen you every day since I've been back and I'm amazed at how comfortable you are with the cast and how well adapted you are. You are a little frustrated at not been allowed to turn over or pull yourself along but if we keep you occupied you smile and laugh and sing and play. I spend a lot of time pushing you around the garden in your pram and you enjoy looking at the tress, the flowers, the birds and butterflies. You are just amazing and I think you have your father's spirit and your mother's strength. One week has laready passed and perhaps in two weeks time you can have a lighter cast put on the leg.
Today your Dad to Mom to a movie at the Pav and I got to be with you for a few hours. We walked around the garden, played on the acitivity map and played "Where's Emily?" by hiding your face behind a blanket. When Mom and Dad got home you were just finishing your bottle and then with just a short walk outside you went to sleep.

Your Dad is going to England next week to be Best Man at his friend's wedding. Graham was your Dad's best friend for many years and when Mark and Tammy got married he came out from England to be a Groomsman at the wedding. (This is a photograph of Graham holding you at the wedding in May.)
I think one of your Mom's friends has offered to sleep at your place while Mark is away but we will help every day as well.
Love you little Em,
We'll see you tomorrow at Patty's place when we go for a lunch time braai.
Big Kiss.


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