On Sunday we were all invited to Dennis and Rita's 40th wedding anniversary lunch in Kloof.  Dennis's sister Dawn, and her son and daughter-in-law were there with their little boy, Connor.  They had told him that you would be there and that you were a special little girl and that he must be very gentle with you because if you fell you could break your bones.
Connor was smitten by you!  He held your hand and walked you around the garden (with an adult hanging onto the back of your shirt, of course!)  He shared all his toys with you and was quite happy to oblige with a hug and a kiss when asked to do so.  It was very sweet!

You didn't object!  You played 'hide and seek' with him and played with all his 'boys toys' - cars, trucks, Buzz from Toy Story.
Sharon sent us this email from Connor's mother:
Last night we were chatting before going to sleep with Connor. We were just telling him again how proud we were about how nicely he played with Emily over the weekend. He then said “you know what mom and dad I like Emily toooooooooooo much. I like her from this wall to this wall (stretching his arms out showing how much he loves her). I can break the wall down and stretch my arm to the other wall and then I will love her even more.”
Seugnet Grobler


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