A Sleep Over!!

After Mom and Dad left I gave you a bubble bath and brushed your hair. Your hair has grown quite long and is still very blond.
Then you and Gumpy had chicken and chips for dinner. I cut pieces off Gumpy's large schnitzel and gave you little strips of chicken. You ate it all and enjoyed the chips with tomato sauce.

You woke up at 5am and I lay down next to you on the sleeper hoping you would go back to sleep. But the Hadedas were calling and you told me it was day time. I took you through to the TV room so that we wouldn't wake Gumpie. You had Milo and Yogurt but you didn't want toast or cereal.
We played with the toys and then I took you for a walk around the block in your pram. When we got back Mom and Dad arrived to fetch you.

You said, "No my granny, I can't sleep at your house very day". We'll, I was very happy to have you for even one day.