In our family, we have always had two Christmas celebrations. Gumpy is Norwegian and they always celebrate, with presents, on Christmas Eve. So, this year we celebrated Christmas Eve at Dennis and Rita's house. Jeff and Gail and Brian came too so it was a lovely family celebration. You were 'Santa's Helper' and when I read out the names on the gifts, you gave them to the people. You were a very good helper too! On Chriatmas day, everybody came to our house. Once again you were Santa's helper and while Brian called out the names on the presents you handed them out. It was a lovely day so we set up a table under a gazebo on the front lawn and Gumpy, Coach and Jeff did the braai for lunch - which we didn't have until nearly 4 o'clock! Everyone was swimming and having fun. I made a 'baby in a fruit salad' in a watermelon and you just loved it! It is nearly the end of 2012 and you have reached a number of milestones....