Hello Em,
Gumpy's cousins, Anthony and Carol, arrived from Australia today to spend some time with us so Carol came with me to your school concert.
Ant and Carol left South Africa 25 years ago to live in Australia and they have children and grandchildren there and in Tasmania.

This was your first Christmas concert at school - you were one of the shepherds.  It was a lovely concert, all about Mary and Joseph travelling to Bethlehem, the star, no room at the inn and the birth of the baby Jesus.
I sat near the back with Carol so couldn't get any really nice photographs but Shay took some and will send them to me when she has time.  The only one that I can put here is a bit grainy and dark but you can see your shepherd's cloak and your long, blond ponytail.

After the concert we were allowed to meet you in your classroom where you handed over a gift you had made for your Mom and Dad.  It was a lovely calendar and Mrs Davey said that you had worked really hard on making it.
Father Christmas also visited your school and for the first time you weren't really afraid of him - even though it looks as though you are gritting your teeth in this photograph!
I am really looking forward to Christmas with you this year.  It will be the first Christmas that you really understand what it is all about. 
Big hugs my little angel - love you lots!


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