Treatment Day

Hello Em.

Mom phoned to say that you didn't even cry when Dr Roos put the needle in for your treatment today.  You only have to go twice a year now and the infusion lasts for about 2 hours and then you are discharged.  No more hours on the drip and overnight stays.
As a post-treatment treat, you came to our house for a special birthday party.  Roxy and Mary, your two musical dollies, had their birthday today.
We put up streamers and balloons on the deck, all the dollies and toys were there to share the party.  Thandi and Cupie, Sparky and Barney, One-eyed Jack, Kanga and Pink Panther - all were there.
When you arrived you showed me the needle mark on your hand and asked for a Disney plaster. 
Delano came to take the photos and Sharon came from next door.
We had cakes, candles, sweets and chips, cold drinks and Yogi-sip as well as little presents for the dollies which you helped to open. 
You also blew out the candles for them and we sang Happy Birthday about five times!  It was great fun and we all had a lovely party!


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