2014 - Christmas Post

What a year this was for you Em. 
You grew 5.5cm and are now 112cm tall.  You weigh 17.2kg and you wear a size 10 shoe.
You graduated from Oasis Pre Primary and the 10th December was your last day. 
  Here you are with Courtney, your facilitator.
You will start at Our Lady of Fatima 'big' school next year.  

Our Lady of Fatima school uniform.   

Here are some photos of your last year at Oasis Pre Primary.


In February Carling Darling died.  He was over 13 years old and at the end he was quite frail

You made us a heart from the cut-out of your hand prints for Valentine's Day  



 Dax and Josie came to live with Delano and Jacques in the flat.
In April you visited Jeff and Gail at the river - and you steered a boat for the first time.
In July we watched you swim in your annual Swimming Gala. 
We took you and Mom to Tala Game Park in the holidays
You met Sharkie at rugby!

You and your Daddy on Father's day

In October you had a special 6th birthday party in Durban north at @Tap

Three days after your birthday, on 19th October, you lost your first baby tooth - you swallowed it!  But, the tooth fairy still left you a gift under your pillow.

On Halloween's Day you and your Mom and Dad spent the day at uShaka 

Gumpie, Greg and Mark went to Ireland and England to watch rugby so you and Mom went to Johannesburg to spend a weekend with Gail.  You met Shumba, their new Labrador and helped Gail decorate her shop.
 and you were at the airport to meet your Dad when they came back 

You wrote a letter to Santa and met Santa and these lovely bears!

We had Christmas eve at Dennis and Rita's house and Christmas Day at our house. 



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