Hello my darling,

Every time I see you seem to have grown up a little bit more.  We didn't get to your Christmas concert this year but Mom sent me this photograph of you looking a grown-up model with lipstick!  Gorgeous girlie!

We don't get to see much of you anymore.  From the time you were a baby until you started school we saw you nearly every day.  I used to push you around the garden in your pram and the rocking motion would put you to sleep.  When you started sitting and taking notice of things around you I would show you all the flowers and Strelitzia was almost your first word, followed by bougainvillea and Petrea!  You still love to play with the little 'helicopter' flowers, twirling them till they spin and float.

In 2010 you started attending play-school across the road from our house a couple of days a week and we saw you regularly during the week.  Once you started pre-school, then Junior Primary with afternoons at swimming, physio, OT, Speech, Remedial and so on, we only see you over weekends.

This year we started collecting newspapers for your school and also those little plastic ties you find on bread packets.  Your school makes money from the paper and the plastic ties go to charity.

When I went to your school one Saturday morning to watch your group dancing, you also showed me the big cheque that your school got for collecting so many newspapers.

When we got to the school you all lined up on the field - cricket and rugby players on one side and dancers on the other. 

Then we went to the hall and the parents and children sat on the stage to watch you dance.  It was wonderful Em!! 
I never imagined that I would be watching you hopping, skipping, leaping, twirling, running and dancing!  You are a miracle child.

You went to Hluhluwe with Mom and Dad last weekend nd we baby-sat Muffy.  She sat looking at the front door most of the time waiting for you all to get back! 

It's great that you enjoy the game reserves at a young age.  You saw cheetah, and you saw lions in a tree!  That is quite an unusual sight.

Only one month to Christmas and holidays.  We will have Christmas at our house again this year and we are looking forward to having all the family and friends with us to celebrate.  I'm sure Santa knows that you have been a wonderful girl this year and will bring you a special gift.

Love you lots like Jelly-Tots!!


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