JULY 2017

Hello darling Emily - my BFF - my princess - special child - light of my life! On the 8th July 2008 I posted on your Blog a picture of the first doll I bought for you. This is what I wrote: I tried to feel you kick the other night but you were tired and although Tammy could feel you moving, I couldn't feel anything. I am writing to tell you that I bought you a rag doll yesterday. Now, this might not seem like much but if is a first for me. I only had boy babies, so even though I bought Teddies and other toys, I've never bought Dollies before! It was quite exciting buying a doll. She is a sweet little rag doll with yellow hair and a cute dress. I made sure that I bought one with no buttons for eyes and no hard or loose bits that a baby can pull off or chew. When you visited the other day we decided to have a 9 year birthday party for Raggedy. We both dressed up and we had cold drinks and biscuits. You shared yours with Raggedy. ...