JULY 2017

Hello darling Emily - my BFF - my princess - special child - light of my life!

On the 8th July 2008 I posted on your Blog a picture of the first doll I bought for you.  This is what I wrote:  

I tried to feel you kick the other night but you were tired and although Tammy could feel you moving, I couldn't feel anything.   I am writing to tell you that I bought you a rag doll yesterday. Now, this might not seem like much but if is a first for me. I only had boy babies, so even though I bought Teddies and other toys, I've never bought Dollies before! It was quite exciting buying a doll.
She is a sweet little rag doll with yellow hair and a cute dress. I made sure that I bought one with no buttons for eyes and no hard or loose bits that a baby can pull off or chew. 

When you visited the other day we decided to have a 9 year birthday party for Raggedy.  We both dressed up and we had cold drinks and biscuits.  You shared yours with Raggedy.

It was school holidays this month and first your Dad got the flu, then you and your Mom got it. Mom made a bed for you in the lounge with the two couches.  You had such a blocked nose you could hardly hold your head up and spent most of the day just lying down.  Your Mom was also really sick and sounded like a tractor when she coughed.  When Gumpy and I came to fetch your Dad for Rugby one Saturday (Dad was better by then) I went to the Broadway pharmacy to get you both some medicine.

Your holidays weren't a complete waste.  You were able to try one of these before you got the flu!

You did have one sleep over at our place.  We slept in the end room because it is quieter there.

But, for some reason it didn't go well.  We had a lovely dinner, played afterwards, you had a shower and then we went to bed.  I let you play on the tablet for a while before switching off the lights at about 8h30pm. But, you couldn't settle and you wanted to speak to your Mom.  When I phoned her all we could hear was crashing and banging and shouting and you thought something was happening to them.  Turned out that they were in a movie and we could hear all the noise.  Tammy phoned back and you said goodnight but you still couldn't settle. You wanted to sit up.  I suggested that you might fall asleep if you lay down.  "I'm not falling for that one!" you said.  I had to stop myself from laughing out aloud!
Then you told me that it isn't fair because at home you have to sleep all by yourself.  Your Dad has your Mom.  Gumpy has me, but you have to sleep all by yourself ... whaaah... more crying!

Eventually you went to sleep.  When you woke up in the morning we discussed having a plan for sleep overs.  This is what we decided.  We wrote out a list of things to read before you come for a sleepover.

I am sleeping with my Granny and Gumpy for one night.  I will be back home the next day.
I will phone my Mom and my Dad before I go to sleep to say goodnight. 
I will keep a photograph of my Mom and Dad next to my bed so that I can see them before I go to sleep. 
I will not play exciting games on the ipad before I go to sleep. 

We printed it and now have a copy in 'Emily's drawer' in the entrance hall.

Just in case you don't remember 'Your Drawer' when you are grown up, the second drawer in the dresser in the entrance hall is 'Your drawer' and the fairies always leave a little something for you in the drawer so that when you visit, there is a surprise for you.  
What are the surprises?  Nothing very expensive, just little gifts like Kinder or Frozen eggs with toys, hair ties, noise putty and other little things.  
Your Mom and Dad have trained you to say hello to me and Gumpy and give us both a hug before you go to the drawer to find your surprise otherwise you might be so excited about what is in the drawer that you'll forget to say hello to us first!

Next month is my 70th birthday and I decided that I would have a 'High Tea' and invite a few friends for afternoon tea.  Your Mom will make some of the cakes and I am going to do flowers in tea pots!  I know that you will help me set the table so that it is very special.

Love you more than jelly-tots!  Mwhaa...!!👄👄👄👄👄


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