Hello my darling Em,

August was a busy month - it was my 70th birthday on 6th August and I had a High Tea at home which went off exactly as I hoped it would.  Some of our oldest friends were there, like Barbara and Charles Mason.  Gumpy and Charles worked together in 1961 and I first met them 50 years ago.  Charles was our groomsman at our wedding.  He is the tall man on the right with my friend Colleen who was my bridesmaid.  We still keep in touch.
Three people in this photograph have passed away.  Brian was Gumpy's bestman, Patty was my Matron of Honour and her daughter, Caroline, was our flower girl.  They have all passed on.  You have met the other two people - Gumpy's cousins Anthony and Carol who now live in Australia.

Do you recognize our page boy, the little boy next to Gumpy?  Believe it or not that is Uncle Jeff!  My brother was 10 years old (not much older than you are now) when we got married.

Jenny, Marion, Barbara and Linda

Jeff and Gail

Phyllis is in this photo.  We first met Phyll and Phil in 1978 when your Dad was only one year old!

Marion, Linda and Reinette

 The lady on the right is my friend Sandi Beukes - who did the paintings in our entrance hall.

I told everyone that I didn't want any presents.  Enok's church is raising money to have 500 hymn books reprinted and they need lots of money so I asked people to donate money to Enok's new Hymn Book project.  My friends were very generous and between them we gave Enok's church R2000 for hymn books.  Some people still gave me small gifts.  Jeff and Gail gave me a cup and saucer bird feeder and some bird seed.  I told Gail that the monkeys would eat the seed and guess what?  Two days later I hung up the bird feeder in the tree outside the kitchen window and this is what happened!

In August you also had a girlie night out and went with Mom and Carrie to 
watch James and Giant Peach at the Sneddon Theatre.  

Your school had a talent show for parents and grandparents.  You told jokes and you were
ab -so -lut - ely fabulous!!  You were quite nervous in the car, but once you got onto the stage you were like a professional, stand-up comic, telling 4 jokes in 2 minutes!  Everybody laughed!  Everybody cheered and everybody clapped!

What jokes did you tell?
Joke one:  
The other day I went to the doctor and I said, "Doctor, doctor, I think I'm becoming invisible."
And do you know what the doctor said?
(Audience, "WHAT?")
"Sorry, I can't see you right now."
Clap, clap, laugh, laugh, cheers.

Joke two:  The I went to the doctor again, and I said, "Doctor, doctor, I think I'm a pencil."  And do you know what the doctor said?
(Audience, "WHAT?")
"I see your point!"
Clap, clap, laugh, laugh, cheers.

Joke three:  "The other night I was watching Animal Planet.  Do you know where cows go on a Saturday night?
(Audience, "WHERE?")
"They go to the mooooo-vies!"
Clap, clap, laugh, laugh, cheers.
"Anyone want another joke?"   YEAH - YES.....!!
"What's brown and sticky?"
 (Audience "WHAT?")
"A stick!!"
Clap, clap, laugh, laugh, cheers.  Clap, clap, laugh, laugh, cheers!!!

You are growing up so fast, my noo-noo!  It is your birthday in October - you'll be 9 years old.  Soon you'll be asking for high heel shoes and lipstick!

I love you precious girl - more than all the smarties in the world.


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