My darling Emily-Ann,

We went to your dancing concert last month - it was fabulous!  Mom sent me this photo of you which I wanted to include in this post.

 We also went to your drama concert at the Durban Technikon.  You were part of a scene doing a belly dance and you also told your jokes in between scenes!  At the end of the show you received this certificate.  We were so proud of you we gave you a bunch of red roses - and one rose to the little girl who was the princess in the play.

We've had a braai at Dennis and Rita's home in Kloof.  You and I play and draw and sometimes we just sit and talk.  You are becoming quite the little lady and enjoyed sitting on Dennis' bar stool.

We also go to Sundowners at Greg and Sharon's on a Friday night.  
On this night you and Gumpie had a Grandpa-Grand-daughter special moment!

 By the way, Mom sent me this photo a bit late.  This is 'Lucy' the talking, singing, dancing doggie you bought with your birthday money.  She can do rock n roll, hip hop and other dances.

At your school you were awarded a certificate

And this is your art corner in your class.  I think I'm going to make a poster of these and 
frame it to hang on the wall in my office!

Christmas is coming and you are going to have a sleep over when your Mom and Dad go to the Derivco Christmas dinner.  I'm really looking forward to that!  

Love you lots like Jelly-Tots - much much more than Smarties!

Granny Syl ♥  


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