Hello my darling Em,

You had a wonderful December holidays and did many fun things.  Jeff and Gail were able to stay in their house in Simbithi (which they have been renting out but will move into in June/July next year).

 Brian and Richard were also there, and Tibby.   Jackie, Mason,Trevor and Christina also stayed for a few days so you had lots of family to play with.

 You and Christina doing each others' make up
 On the beach with Christina and Tibby
 Poor Tibby was stung when a big blue bottle (Portuguese Man of War) 
wrapped itself around her body, arms and legs.  The blue bottles usually appear 
when the wind is north-easterly
 Cute 'Babes'
Face painting at Bot Gardens Trail of Lights

 The talking tree

Trail of lights
We had Christmas day at our house and you got the biggest surprise of your life when, after we had all opened presents, Mom and Dad took you outside to show you your main present - a beautiful pink and blue tricycle!
 Christmas at the 'Welcome Inn' aka Granny and Gumpie's house

 Three pretty elves on Christmas day

 Emmy, it is usually at this time of the year that add in a few Time-Line bits of information for the year.  This was a big year for you because you repeated Grade 11 and have been promoted to Grade 111 next year - well done my darling!

Love you baby-girl and wishing you a wonderful, peaceful, happym healthy, prosperous 2018.


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