Well, well, well...... what did I tell you about not knowing what life has in store for you!

You are moving to a new home in the Mt Edgecombe Golf Estate at the end of the month.  How wonderful for you and your parents!  It is a gorgeous place to stay, safe, secure, leafy roads to ride your bike on, a swimming pool, great restaurant and I'm sure you will make new friends there too!
All the houses have green roofs and are painted white.  
They don't have burglar guards, security gates or alarm systems.  

We attended the 3rd grade parents and grandparents assembly this month. You had to go up for the trophy for taking the most newspapers to school.  You saved 5 trees!  Well done Emily!

On the 16th Feb your class won another trophy!

While your Dad was in England, you and Mom had a sleep over at our house and we went to sundowners next door.  You took this photo of Oscar with sunglasses on!

The next day we went to the new Farmers Market at Shongweni.  It was a lovely morning, looking at all the stalls and patting all the dogs.  We had breakfast there too.

Mom sent us this photo of your maths test.  Well done Em!

 On Saturday 24 February, Greg and Sharon, Gumpie and I helped you to move boxes from Anthony Mews to your new home at 18 Ryder Drive, Mt Edgecombe Golf Course 1

We all had a turn on your swing that hands from a high branch.  Even Sharon had a turn!

Mark went to the local SPAR and bought sandwiches and drinks for everyone. There were no chairs so we sat on the 'stoep' and had lunch outside. You sat on your drum stool.
You slept at Anthony Mews on Sunday and the removal lorry moved all your furniture Monday 26th February.  You came home on Monday and did your homework at the dining table in your new kitchen.
I know that you are going to be happy in your new home.  When Dad has to go away overseas, he will feel much happier knowing that you and your Mom are in a secure and safe place.

Lots of kisses and hugs!



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