
Showing posts from April, 2018

APRIL 2018

Hello my darling Em, On 6 April you had your treatment again.  Mom said, "Not a tear or a moan and Yubbie also got a bandage this time". On 15 April Winnie Mandela, 2nd wife of Nelson Mandela, and once known as the 'Mother of the Nation' was buried.  She died on 2 April.  You will learn about her in history classes and perhaps you will remember that she died when you were 9 years old. You had a wonderful Easter holiday at the Vaal River with Mom and Dad and some of the Leaver boys. You often have to help Gumpie with his cell phone and you taught him how to 'Ask Google' instead of typing questions, and also how to take photographs.   On his birthday you helped him blow out a candle.  Mom made him a special sugar-free trifle.  Reading on a rainy day Like most little girls you like to model your pretty dresses.  This is one I bought for you in Spain.  You look gorgeous in it! This lovely little bu...

MARCH 2018

Hello my darling girl, You hurt your ankle the other day.  Fortunately nothing was broken but it was painful and swollen for a few days.  Mom borrowed Gabby's boot and you wore it for a few days until the swelling went down. Sometimes we forget that they have OI.  You do so many normal children's things that we are surprised when you hurt yourself doing little silly things.   When you weren't wearing the boot, you pushed yourself around the house on your scooter with one foot, resting the other one on the scooter!  That was probably more risky than hobbling along on the boot! I bought you a mosaic craft to do so that you could sit in the lounge and add the coloured squares and sequins to the outline of the clown craft.   Mom took these cool photos of you at school, in the pool, and at your dancing concert. You came first in your swimming event at the school gala - YAY!  You love rugby, and the Sharks, and ...