MARCH 2018
Hello my darling girl,
You hurt your ankle the other day. Fortunately nothing was broken but it was painful and swollen for a few days. Mom borrowed Gabby's boot and you wore it for a few days until the swelling went down. Sometimes we forget that they have OI. You do so many normal children's things that we are surprised when you hurt yourself doing little silly things.
When you weren't wearing the boot, you pushed yourself around the house on your scooter with one foot, resting the other one on the scooter! That was probably more risky than hobbling along on the boot!
Gumpie found this stone at your new house in Mt Edgecombe and I painted the cross and date on it.
You hurt your ankle the other day. Fortunately nothing was broken but it was painful and swollen for a few days. Mom borrowed Gabby's boot and you wore it for a few days until the swelling went down. Sometimes we forget that they have OI. You do so many normal children's things that we are surprised when you hurt yourself doing little silly things.
When you weren't wearing the boot, you pushed yourself around the house on your scooter with one foot, resting the other one on the scooter! That was probably more risky than hobbling along on the boot!
I bought you a mosaic craft to do so that you could sit in the lounge and add the coloured squares and sequins to the outline of the clown craft.
Mom took these cool photos of you at school, in the pool, and at your dancing concert.
You came first in your swimming event at the school gala - YAY!
You love rugby, and the Sharks, and Sharkie
You and Macaela and Tomas often play together but I think, like all little brothers,
Tomas drives you girls crazy!
But, this wasn't the result of you having a boxing match with Tomas! It was clever make-up!
I spent a lot of time away this month because I have been creating a new hiking trail called the Abbot Pfanner Trappist Trail. I started last year in July with a meeting at our house, then in August Gumpie and I met the two Bishops who are in charge of the Trappist Missions in Umzimkulu and Mariannhill Monastery Missions. These are the 8 missions that the new trail will link including Mariannhill.
In November and January Jenny, Jon, Trevor Gaymans and Anna Kapp hiked some of the trails that Jon had tracked on Google Earth. In January Gumpie and I drove them backwards and forwards for 4 days as they hiked trails from Underberg to Ixopo. From 9 - 23 March a group of 16 people hiked the new trails and Gumpie and I provided back up for a few days. This is a photograph of the first marker stone that Gumpie dug and planted at Reichenau Mission near Underberg.
Gumpie found this stone at your new house in Mt Edgecombe and I painted the cross and date on it.
I would like to show you the beautiful mission churches one day and introduce you to some of the priests who run the missions. They are a wonderful heritage and we must all help to take care of them. You are going to Jeff and Gail for the Easter holidays but maybe in the July holidays I'll be able to show you some of them.
Love you lots - like Jelly Tots my darling.
Granny Syl