May 2018 Tam

Hi my little bug, its mom here. 
I  have never written on your blog before. This has always been something so special your Granny has loved doing for you but she's asked me to help with a few months .
Shall we see what happened in May :) 

May was a very busy month for you, So let's get going.

4th May 

You took part in your first market day at school. You decided to do cupcakes and donuts and name your stand Cupcake and Donut Land.  You were so excited we bought the donuts but make red velvet cupcakes together. It was very very windy though and our helium balloons were quite useless. You decided to give them to Tessa your classmate to take home she was really happy. I think you made her day.

Emily and Gumpy at Rugby

5th May

We also had Sharks festival at the rugby, you love going to rugby with you daddy and gumpy.

This time they asked you if you would dance on the big screens for everyone in the stadium to see. You are always so brave and love doing things like this. The announcer asked you were you were from and you gave our home address to 15000 people but you danced like a little champ.

I think  you are just amazing !!

9th May

Every year you swim your distance badges at Elizabeth Smith Swim School. This year you weren't very keen as the distance double each year. So last year you did 400 meters 16 lengths of Ruthmaree's pool 25 meter. This year the new distance was 800m 32 lengths and it was a little bit to far. So we went and decided that you would just swim until  you were tired. You swam 20 lengths of the pool so 500 meters . I was so proud of you but they don't make a badge for that so we got another 400 meter badge . I'm so proud of you, you are always willing to try, even when you know it's going to be difficult.

13th May 

You sewed your very own pillow case for your Granny Laura. You have been going to a sewing class for about a year months now where you make little projects. Its run by a retired school teacher. It's been such fun for you, you've made a bag and a pillow case so far. So when I was working in the loft you asked if you could make something for your Granny Laura. She's wanted a replacement little pillow for a long time so with a little bit of help you sewed a pillowcase for her. She as so thrilled with it and you were so happy with what you had made.
Well done my little bug.

14th May

We are off to see the Wizard the wonderful wizard of Oz. He is he is a wonderful wizard if ever a wiz there was.
 Book character appreciation day at school. You had to choose a character from a book and you chose Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. You even had a Toto and ruby red slippers to go with to school. 

15th May

It's your Daddy's Birthday !! He was 41 today.

Meeting Donald at breakfast
It was also the 5year anniversary of our trip to Disney World. You were only 4 years old it was an amazing family trip.

Ice cream in the Washington Airport
20th May

Flag Animal Farm, it is one of your favorite places in the world. You love to feed a love all the  animals and you are even getting a little braver with the snakes (they aren't your favorite) and all the shows they have every hour. We can spend an entire day there you love it so much. You might be a bit of a farm girl at heart.

27th May

We are off the the Pietermaritzburg Royal Show.
What a wonderful day, you invited your friend Sam from across the road to join us and we had such fun. You and Sam were wonderful, you chatted all the way to Maritzburg a whole hours drive and keep each other happy and entire the entire day.

We watched snake show, learned how sheep are shawn, saw all the goats, sheep and pigs up for auction, climbed on huge tractors, ate a ton of pancakes, went zip lining and rod a camel ! It was a busy day.

You and Sam definitely made each other a lot braver. Alone neither one of you were interested in doing the 110 meter zip line but together you were super keen. YOU DID IT TWICE. You giggled and screeched all the way down and loved it.

You got so brave that you decided to try the camel rides. This was a lot more scary and when the camel stood up and you rocked and rolled on his back you were not very happy but you held on tight. When it came time to get off the camel you literally abandoned Sam and jumped off onto me
before you could get rolled around again.

Wow Mom - you did such a good job!  I think we can record all your happy memories and events in this blog and turn it into another memory book for you soon!  (Granny Syl)


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