July 2018 - TAM
Its July and its chilly
We had such a jam packed few weeks in June we kind of needed a holiday from the first part of our holiday. We decided to take things a little slower for a little bit.
We found out that Doo-Doo (Sibongile) had never been to a movie in a movie house, now we couldn't have that so we took her a long when we went to see The Incredibles 2. She had such a wonderful afernoon. coke a cola, popcorn and of course sweets.
Next on our slower holiday plans was a trip to the annual East Cost Radio Garden and Home Show. Its one of your favorite outing of the year. You listen to the DJ's every day on the way to and from school and are always desperate to meet the people you hear on the radio. Unfortunately this year we didn't run into any famous DJ's but we did win a SPCA T shirt at the SPCA Stall and you got to have a very cool picture with a wax fugue of another hero of yours Nelson Mandela. The July holidays were finished but we weren't finished having fun in July.
There is something wonky going on with your left eye, I picked you up from school a few weeks ago and it looked like you had gone squint but it went away. I just thought that you were tired, now it seems to be back and getting worse. I have made you another appointment with your optometrist and we will be taking to you see your ophthalmologist Dr Anthony Zaborowski for a full assessment. Hes also Granny Syl's, Gumpy and Granny Laura's eye doctor, but we saw him first in 2013 when you needed glasses - So I think we can claim him as our doctor. Hes really nice.
We are off to Johannesburg to see KATY PERRY IN CONCERT. I told you July was going to be a fun month. You are so excited, we are flying up on Friday and spending the night with Gail,Jeff and the boys (well the ones that are home) and then on Saturday we of off to your very first music concert. When we heard she was coming to South Africa Dad and I knew we had to get tickets for you. You love her music and sing ROAR and Dark Horse at the top of your lungs every time it plays and you get me to play them a lot.
We got to ride on the PAU (Passenger Assistance Unit) with Dad at the airport, its like a little bus for wheel chairs that takes us to the Airport Terminal.

Wow was it loud at first I thought you weren't going to enjoy because it was so loud but you got used to it and in no time you were standing on Dads legs and screaming along with all the songs you knew.
It was an amazing concert pronbally the best one we (me and dad) have ever been to. It was more like a show.
It wad a great weekend !
Then we were back home and you were back at school after a super busy super fun weekend away, this term you have a huge school production. The Grade 1, 2 and 3 were all performing. I volunteered to help with the costumes and set so I got busy making penguin hats and you had to of course be my model.