APRIL 2020 - Dear Emily

Hello my noo-noo,

What a relief that you were in your new home before the lock down!  

By the way, this is your 4th home!  

When you were born in 2008 you were taken home to No 7 Shiraz in Peach place, Glen Hills where Mark and Tammy lived before you were born.  It is a nice place but the parking was very difficult.  When the owner told them that he was coming back from Australia in January, we helped your folks look for a new place so that you could move before Christmas.

We found a lovely place in Anthony Mews, 100 Anthony Road in Riverside and you moved there in December 2008.  The landlord wasn't always the greatest but you enjoyed many happy years there.  
Your Mom had a thriving cake business and once you started school spent many hours baking specialty cakes for weddings and anniversaries.

In February 2018 you moved to a bigger house at Mt Edgecombe Golf Estate on Golf Course 1.  
Did you know that it was here in Golf Course 1 where your Mom and Dad first met?  10 years earlier, Mark, Cindy, John and Tammy shared a house on Golf Course 1 for many years.  Then Tammy left and went to Johannesburg, John moved to England and Mark came back home to Westville.  I'm sure it was quite strange at first for them to move back to the estate as a married couple with a little girl!

Now you are in your lovely new home in Palm Springs Village.  It is the perfect house for you all, safe, flat, accessible and has a small pool.

The 27 March, when we started our Lock-down due to the Corona-virus, was also the day in 2012 when our Patty-Poo passed away.  It was her birthday on 28 March - she would have been 68 years old.

During the level 5 lockdown period the sale of alcohol was banned so as to reduce pressure from alcohol related injuries further burdening hospitals.  Sale of tobacco was also banned.  Many people are angry about this and an illegal trade in cigarettes and alcohol has flourished.

Greg started to run out of Brandy, and Vodka for Sharon, so Gumpie met him the car park at the 4-Ways SPAR on 7 April with the two bottles in a SPAR packet with bread and canned vegetables on top in case anyone stopped him! 

A week later Gumpie ran out of beers so Mark, you and Tammy met us at the same car park and Mark gave Gumpie some beers in a grocery bag and we gave Mark some Gin.  It is illegal to carry alcohol in your cars so we were all relieved when we got home without being stopped!

Lock-down means that all but essential services and businesses are closed, including schools, so your Dad is working from home and you are doing schoolwork at home. 

Can you imagine a world without computers?  When I started work in 1965 there were no computers.  The first place I worked at with a computer was IBM in Durban where they had a computer the size of your bedroom and it had to be in an air-conditioned room!

It was Gumpie's birthday on 8th and our anniversary on 12 April.  Sadly we couldn't have any visitors or visit you but we did chat on Google Duo. 

On 10 April our Minister of Health recommended that we all wear face masks when we go out.  Gumpy and I don't have masks so I made us each one by cutting the sleeves off a t-shirt and making elastic loops to tie them onto our ears!  These masks are not 100% proof against catching the virus but if everyone wears one, it will prevent people spreading the virus just by breathing, or coughing, or sneezing into it.

Gumpy and I are walking a 'home Camino' in the garden and on the treadmill - between 4 and 5 km per day - so we signed up to raise money for the Kloof SPCA and also iCare by walking for them. 

Your dad found a way on Google to add a 3d photograph of an animal into a room.  These scary photos of you with these wild animals look very real!

Greg started having chest pains and breathlessness but the doctors can't pinpoint what the problem is so he'll be going to see a cardiologist next week.  

One of the affects of being locked down with family is that you have plenty of time together, get closer and even though you miss your friends and family, you and your parents do more things together.
You enjoy making breakfast on your new stove top and you have learned to make French Toast. 

Not only that, you have your own YouTube Channel!  On the first episode you baked Snow Cookies.


                                       The second one was your walk on 27 April for the iCare Charity that Gumpie                                                                                 and I also did.


We are all very proud of you Em!  You've been in lockdown for a month and although you were quite sad at first and missed your school and your friends, you have made the best of things and have done these videos.

Love you SO much my darling ♥♥♥


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