SEPTEMBER 2020 - Dear Emily

Hello my darling,

We have now been locked down for 37 weeks - 259 days.  Up until now you and your Mom and Dad haven't been out shopping, no supermarkets, shopping malls, restaurants or visiting.  Now and then your Dad takes you for a drive but neither of you get out of the car.


Today was a special treat for you!  You went swimming at Ruthmarie's - just two people
in the pool and following all the sanitising and distancing. It was the first 'normal'
thing that you have done for 6 months.

13 September:  

Since Level 2 started on 18 August we have been allowed to visit family and friends but no more than 10 people.  We have visited Greg and Sharon twice and on Saturday we had the first braai in 6 months at your house.  It was wonderful to sit around a table with our family and I had permission to give you a hug!  You nearly jumped at me! It was the first hug in 6 months and I nearly squeezed all the breath out of you!

On the way to your place, we picked up a baby bouncing chair for 
Greg & Sharon's baby from a lady in Umdloti.

Sharon is nearly 6 months pregnant now and has a 'soccer ball' tummy!  
We spoke to the baby and touched her tummy hoping to feel him move.

13 September:
It was 36o C today so your Mom and Dad took you for a walk along the new Durban promenade.  You were able to stand on a sand dune!

Next month your new, beautiful puppy "Ruby Chewsday" will arrive from Johannesburg.  The puppies are all gorgeous but they have chosen one with a placid temperament for you.  Isn't she gorgeous! 

On 24 September we went to your house for a braai.  

It was lovely to be there and you painted my nails for me, I felt very smart!

You worked very hard on your studies for exams and your parents and teachers are very proud of you.

Maths - 72% : English language - 67% : Comprehension - 86% : History - 90%:  Natural Science - 94%

(Just waiting for the Afrikaans result.)

After your Afrikaans exam Tammy brought you here for a little break. We had tea and scones, played a game you found on YouTube, and I gave you some dresses and t-shirts from Mr Price as an early birthday present.  

Tam said you two haven't been shopping for 6 months and you're growing
out of most of your clothes!  You can see in the photo with the
spotted dress that you Tammy cut your hair!

It is your birthday on the 16th October - you'll be 12 years old - the last year before you reach your Teens.  You'll be a t-t-t-t......teenager for 7 years and then you'll be an adult, a young woman.  Oh dear, you are growing up so quickly!!

I love you VERY much my darling girl, big hugs and lots of kisses! 💋💋💋


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