Update on Covid-19 (31st January 2021) As of 31 January the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases identified on South Africa is 1 453 761 with 4 525 new cases identified since the last report. The total deaths - 44 164 Our recoveries now stand at 1 299 620 , representing a recovery rate of 89% Then the virus started mutating into different variants, Viruses do this to evade vaccines by changing its genes so that it can survive in the host (the person it has infected). SARS-CoV-2 Variants 31 December 2020 National authorities that have reported virus variants are undertaking intensified sampling to understand how widely these new variants are circulating. National scientific teams are studying the effect of the mutations on reinfection potential, vaccination, diagnostic testing, infection-severity and transmissibility. Researchers and government authorities are working with WHO and collaborating w...