2020 Timeline

One day you might learn about the following events in history!

In January 2020: 

The United Kingdom officially withdrew from the Europen Union - it was nicknamed Brexit

Prince Harry and his wife Meghan announced that they were stepping down from the Royal Family (Their nickname is Megxit)

The American president Donald Trump faced an impeachment trial. He was acquitted on 5 February.

In February the court in South Africa issued an arrest for our past president Zacob Zuma on corruption charges.

In March Covid spread to South Africa 

23 March President Ramaposa announced the start of our lockdown

By the 1 July we had 159,333 confirmed Covid cases and 2,749 deaths (by 1 December we had 1million cases)

In November 2020 Joe Biden beat Donald Trump to become the next American President.


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