APRIL 2021 - Dear Emily

 Hello my darling girl,

We had a lovely lunch at your house.  

We are all still staying inside our family Covid 'Bubble' and only visit each other, although Sharon does visit her Mom and Dad now and then, and Laura visits your house occasionally.  

Your Mom and Dad suggested a lovely, surprise, last-minute visit to iMfolozi for Finn's birthday.  It was lovely to get away and spend time together in the two room, 5 beds cottage.

We had a scary moment in our Nissan when Gumpi couldn't get it up a rocky hill.  A man came along and reversed the car all the way back down to the bottom, then sped up the hill until he got to the top.  

When we got back home I decided to improve your fairy garden, behind our tree.  I found a couple of extras to add to it and moved it to the right of the tree, away from the overhanging bushes that were covering it up.  I'm starting to think that I enjoy the fairy garden more than you do!

You had a visitor to your pool the other day.  Ruby doesn't go in the pool at
all but she quite enjoyed watching this lovely Labbie in the water.

Your cousin has visited a few times.  He is holding his head up better now.

He stares at you all the time, especially when you sing to him!

We finally got Oscar and Leo's memorial stones placed, side-by-side in their front garden.

Isn't it strange how things turn out, Em?  The two fur-babies were their family for nearly 11 years.  Oscar died soon after Sharon found out that she was expecting Alex and Leo died soon after he was born. It is as though the Universe decided that they would need to spend all their time and love on their human baby now.

Your fur-baby is growing taller!  She gets very excited when we come to visit and has torn a few of my tops by grabbing hold of them when we arrive!  She's a lovely girlie and once she settles down I like to talk to her and stroke her.

We have had two birthdays and an anniversary this month.

Gumpie's birthday on 8th April
Our 52nd anniversary on 12th April
Sharon's 44th birthday on 29th April.

We'll be celebrating two anniversaries and 3 more birthdays next month.

We love having our family around us Em and it is so special for us to have you and your Mom and Dad, and Alex and his Mom and Dad close by.  So many of our friends have children living in other countries and they really miss seeing their children and grandchildren.

Love you lots my darling XXX

COVID 19 update

The number of new Covid cases has continued to fall so we remain on Alert Level 1.  Only if it goes up to around 4000 or 5000 will they move us back to a stricter level with more restrictions.  
The worst affected country now is India and with over 400 000 new cases a day it seems to be out of control.  
Greg has had his vaccination and we have all registered on the Dep Health website for the vaccine.  They are still doing the Health workers and the next phase will be us oldies - over 60s.
In America they are investigating giving the vaccine to 12 - 18 year-olds because the numbers of young people testing positive is rising.
We still can't travel outside the country and very few airlines are flying to or from South Africa.


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