You are a young lady!

Yes you are Em.  You are nearly as tall as me.  I think you are cleverer than me!  You certainly know more about cell phones, apps and other technology than I do!

Ruby survived being on heat for the first time.  She will be a year old next month
but she is still just a puppy.  
She enjoys coming to our place and we always try to play with her, throwing the ball or pulling a hairband.  If you put the hairband on your wrist she takes it off very gently.  She's a lovely little soul.

It was my birthday on the 6th August and you made me a divine chocolate cake with caramel popcorn on top!  

You are a good baker and you made a lovely loaf of bread in the Meller
bread-maker I bought for your Mom.  

 Your Mom found that Alex likes to sit in the pram like a play pen.  
It won't be long before he tries to climb out of the pram though!

When I see you two lying on the ground together like this, I can't believe that only a few years ago you were also just a little baby!  Now you look like an adult lying next to Alex!

You decided to colour your hair and went a lovely plum-pink!

You had to do a project for school on rescue shelters so you decided to do some research on the animal farm by visiting the animals.  There was a time when you were afraid of any animal, big or small.  Now you are much more confident around them, even big animals like this horse.

Tammy was worried that you might want to bring home a baby goat!

You really battled with your math assessment this month, yelling that you couldn't do it and that you were going to fail.  But, guess what?  You got 82% for the assessment.  I don't think I ever got 82% for any test!  Congratulations Em.  You should be very proud of yourself.

As a treat, you went shopping for the first time in 18 months.  You managed to pick out some cute stuff at Woolies, and the shop wasn't crowded.

We've had a lot of rugby on this month so nearly every Saturday you guys have come to us for lunch,  supper or just Sundowners.  Its been great seeing you all together, especialy after the long lockdown when we couldnt visit each other.

Sharon and Alex went to a Mothers-and-babies get-together in Westville.  It was the first time Alex had seen other babies and he was fascinated by them.  Unfortunately he caught a cold. gave it to me, then you, then Gumpie got it, and we've all been coughing and blowing.  


The country has been on adjusted alert level 3 from 26 July 2021 (which means we still have a 10pm curfew, so you all leave here by 9 o'clock to get home before the curfew starts)


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