Hello my darling, This has been a challenging month for you. Exams started and you had to catch up on a lot of work. Mom helped you a lot and you even cancelled the weekend trip to Bushman's Nek in the 'Berg that the Wisharts invited us all to. We didn't see you guys for a few weeks but you did come to watch rugby at our place on the 19th November. You got the marks back for Natural Science, Maths 74% and 64% for art - that is brilliant Em! The following week was tough for the ladies in your house. Ruby was stung on her eyelid and had a huge swelling on her eye; you tripped in a hole at school and Mom had to fetch you early. (Nothing broken though!) Then Mom tripped and jolted her neck which left her with a severe headache. At assembly on the 29th you received a certificate for your tap exams at the Cultural awards. Well done Em! I decided to give you and Tammy a gift to visit Spa for a Mom and daughter massage...