Hello my darling,

This has been a challenging month for you.  Exams started and you had to catch up on a lot of work.  Mom helped you a lot and you even cancelled the weekend  trip to Bushman's Nek in the 'Berg that the Wisharts invited us all to.

We didn't see you guys for a few weeks but you did come to watch rugby at our place on the 19th November.   You got the marks back for Natural Science, Maths 74% and 64% for art - that is brilliant Em!

The following week was tough for the ladies in your house.  Ruby was stung on her eyelid and had a huge swelling on her eye; you tripped in a hole at school and Mom had to fetch you early. (Nothing broken though!) Then Mom tripped and jolted her neck which left her with a severe headache. 

At assembly on the 29th you received a certificate for your tap exams at the Cultural awards.  Well done Em!  

I decided to give you and Tammy a gift to visit  Spa for a Mom and daughter massage.  You had a facial and an eyelash tint and Mom had a neck and shoulders massage.  Then you bought sushi for lunch and went home to watch a movie.  You deserved it after all your hard work.

One of the last exams you had was Technology.  It made me think about the exponential changes in technology in this generation.  The other day when you asked Mark to connect his cell phone to our television so that we could watch a video on the large screen it sounded like you were talking a foreign language! I reminded you that you are the first generation to have been born into the modern era of fast-paced, mind blowing technology that you take for granted.

Although your parents were born before cell-phones, home computers, the World Wide Web and Wifi, they can hardly remember a time without those technological inventions.
It is my generation that has struggled to come to grips with the explosion of new technology. We are the last generation that didn't have television (South Africa only got TV in 1975). A telephone had a dial, an 'application' was a form you filled in (by hand) for a job: a bookmark was made of cardboard or even handmade lace: the cloud was a result of condensation in the air and a menu was something you read at a restaurant when ordering food.
When our generation of Luddites have all passed on, the world will be populated by tech-savvy people like you who all understand each other!
Until then, Gumpie and I are still a part of the tech-gap and if we need help with a piece of technology we have to ask our children or grandchildren for help!

That is another reason why we will miss you when you have gone to America.  We'll have to wait for Alex to grow a bit so that he can help us with our cell phones and TV!

Love you lots - Gran


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